[GRASSLIST:1743] Re: Scripting and Locations...

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Mon Apr 16 15:54:10 EDT 2001

On Mon, Apr 16, 2001 at 10:39:22AM -0400, mberglund wrote:
> Howdy folks,
> Could someone tell me if there is a way to create a new location and
> mapset from the command line.
> I am writing a batch job to process a ton of imagery and the most
> cost(time/cpu) effective way I have found to do this requires creating a
> new location for every image and then importing the result into the final
> map.
> Thanks ahead,
> Matt

Hi Matt,

you can use (GRASS 5): r.in.gdal
The "-e" flag and "location=" parameter allow to generate a
new location through another, different location. 
But: if your input data do not provide projection data, you have
to set this with g.setproj later within the new location.

See here as well:


 Markus Neteler

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