[GRASSLIST:1794] r.out.bin availability & related question

Thomas Adams Thomas.Adams at noaa.gov
Mon Apr 30 12:50:15 EDT 2001


I'm using a Linux version 5.x of GRASS from about 6 months to a year ago
and wish to use r.out.bin, but my distribution does not have it. Does
the current release have r.out.bin?

Related question: I wish to write a shell script to process multiple
sites files and conceptually do the following:

        s.ascii.in $filename.txt | s.surf.rst <arguments> | r.out.bin $filename.bin

Provided r.out.bin is available, I should be able to do this, should'nt I?

Thanks to all!

Tom Adams                              adams at ohrfc.noaa.gov
Development & Operations Hydrologist   NWS-Ohio River Forecast Center
1901 S. State Route 134                Wilmington, OH 45177
(937) 383-0528 (VOICE)                 (937) 383-0033 (FAX)

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