[GRASSLIST:2745] creating ps files in grass

Gail Higginbottom ghigginb at physics.adelaide.edu.au
Thu Dec 6 01:39:55 EST 2001

Dear users,

Having once, 9 months ago, worked out how to create ps files in grass so
that I could use them in 'mapcreating' --> 'postscript driver' -->
postscript map creation', I have forgotten.

I have tried many things but nothing seems to work/give me the correct

Can anyone help me?

Thank you ver much.


Gail Higginbottom,
Centre for European Studies and General Linguistics,
University of Adelaide,
Adelaide, South Australia,
Australia. 5005.
Department of Physics and Mathematical Physics

ghigginb at physics.adelaide.edu.au


(08) 8303:6440

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