[GRASSLIST:2751] Re: i.rectify and image resolution

ulf at mail.zmt.uni-bremen.de ulf at mail.zmt.uni-bremen.de
Thu Dec 6 07:05:58 EST 2001

Leider nicht ...

Did not work, unfortunately.

 > Hi Ulf,
 > i had a similary looking problem with i.rectify and a segmentation fault.
 > I could solve it running r.support over the rasterfile wich was to be 
 > rectified.
 > maybe ?
 > regards
 > Heiko
 > Hi Ulf and Heiko,
 > an interesting idea! Ulf, you can try
 >  r.support -r image
 > Let us know if that helps. If so we may implement some checks
 > at i.rectify startup.
 > Markus

 Ulf Mehlig    <ulf.mehlig at zmt.uni-bremen.de>
               Center for Tropical Marine Ecology/ZMT, Bremen, Germany

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