[GRASSLIST:2813] Re: NVIZ problems on Mac OSX

cmbarton michael.barton at asu.edu
Thu Dec 20 18:44:59 EST 2001

I have actually got NVIZ to work occasionally on MacOSX from the command 
line only using the -d switch. I don't know why, but there it is.

On Thursday, December 20, 2001, at 03:52 PM, Nick Cahill wrote:

> Many thanks for your explanation. Is the known problem the <el=xxx> 
> rather than <elevation=xxx>? If so, why doesn't NVIZ work when called 
> from the command line, with nothing passed to it? Are the errors 
> "Original error: invalid command name "tkScreenChanged",    Error in 
> bgerror: invalid command name "bgerror" and "Error in startup script: 
> invalid command name "tk_menuBar"" fixed in the latest CVS version, or 
> are they due to something else which can't be diagnosed w/o compiling 
> the source and seeing what happens?
> Thanks,
> Nick
> At 9:56 PM +0000 12/20/01, Glynn Clements wrote:
>> Nick Cahill wrote:
>>>  I am unable to get NVIZ to start successfully. Starting from the
>>>  tcltk menu, I get an error message "<el=surface> is ambiguous".
>> This is a known problem, which has since been fixed (in the current
>> CVS version). If an error occurs while initialising Tk, the above
>> message is printed instead of a usable error message and backtrace.
>> Note: the update won't necessarily solve whatever problem caused the
>> Tk initialisation to fail, but it will produce a meaningful error
>> message, allowing the underlying problem to be determined.
>> Unfortunately, I'm not aware of any updated binaries; you would need
>> to build them yourself from the CVS source.
>> --
>> Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>
> --
Michael Barton, Professor & Curator
Department of Anthropology
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ  85287-2402

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