[GRASSLIST:1409] Re: Merging gtopo30 DEM raster files

Eric G . Miller egm2 at jps.net
Wed Jan 31 22:32:44 EST 2001

On Wed, Jan 31, 2001 at 06:27:43PM -0800, ECIS Mail wrote:
> I am new to Grass but have followed it's development for some time.  I
> recently installed Grass V5b10 and there are a few problems which I have
> worked around, usually by using the command line instead of the Tcltk
> interface, which is otherwise rather nicely done. Kudos to all developers
> and contributors.
> I hope to be a contributor someday as well but for now I am trying to learn
> about Grass's functionality.  As a meteorologist by profession and an
> applications integration computer geek by choice I am trying to adapt Grass
> to the operational end of meteorology.  My immediate problem is that I need
> a contiguous "Grass" location definition based on 8 separate panels of the
> GTOPO30 DEM raster data.  I have learned how to overlay the 8 panels into a
> Grass monitor display, but I have not found an appropriate function to
> output the new overlay dataset into a single 1KM raster DEM file.

maybe look at g.region (for cell size and extents) and r.patch.

> I have found a reference to d.savescreen in the manual page off the internet
> location, but there is no such command in the bin installation I have.  I am
> not even sure this command would preserve the original resolution.

Better to use the above (d.savescreen is a screen dumper).  You might 
want to have a look a r.mapcalc. Very useful.

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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