[GRASSLIST:2054] basic prgramming question

Robert Najlis rnajlis at indiana.edu
Wed Jul 4 15:49:44 EDT 2001

I am trying to learn how to program GRASS.  I have been looking at the
tutorial and I am just trying to make sure my system is set uo, etc.

At this point I am just trying to get started - try a few commands, things
like that. Actually, right now I am just trying to compile a program that
only has the line #include "gis.h" just to make sure everything is working

It seems that I need to use gmake5 to compile the program. Is this true?
If so, would someone be kind enough to give me a sample gmake5 Makefile?
Or any other example of how to compile c code with GRASS commands in it.  

Thanks for your help.

Robert Najlis


===  Robert Najlis
 )~  rnajlis at indiana.edu
|\|  http://php.indiana.edu/~rnajlis


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