[GRASSLIST:2228] [General] USGS, SDTS, DEMs, etc. (Cross-Posted)

Bill Huber whuber at quantdec.com
Tue Jul 31 19:06:53 EDT 2001

Dear Colleagues,

Directions Magazine has done some independent research to get at the facts 
in the USGS DEM situation recently discussed on GISList and 
MapInfo-L.  This issue affects GIS users everywhere and has ramifications 
well beyond mere delivery of digital elevation data.  We share this 
information with you in an article at 
http://www.directionsmag.com/article.asp?ArticleID=116.  Check it out, 
register your opinion in the one-question poll that follows the article, 
and write us with your comments.  We will keep updating our pages about 
this story frequently during the next several weeks.

Thank you for reading,

--Bill Huber
Editor, Directions Magazine

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