[GRASSLIST:2013] Grass 5.0.0p1 + postgres 7.1.2 => Monitor problem

Morten Sickel Morten.Sickel at newmedia.no
Mon Jun 25 18:29:09 EDT 2001


I am running grass5.0.0 pre 1 and postgres 7.1.2 on a intel/redhat box. Both 
programs are locally compiled. Each of them seems to work (Accessing pg using 
Perl (DBI) pgaccess and psql, using a lot of different commands in grass) but 
then I try:
d.vect.pg -f -s testhi.sql map=pgtest4 color=red 
(applied Shevlakovs tutorial) 

where testhi is just 

select id from test where id > 5

(i.e I try to display just those areas with a category value > 5) 

And I get just the error:
Please start graphics monitor <x0>.
and a while afterwards:
Error - Graphics monitor <x0> not running!

The problem is just that x0 is running, working fine before and after the 
d.vect.pg... I get the same problem with d.what.v.pg... 

I did  a new gmake5 / gmakelinks 5 gmake5 -i / gmakelinks5 -i in the 
grass.postgresql directory without any help. Could this be caused by the 
upgrades to the grass monitors or the upgrades to postgres? Anybody else 
using postgres 7.1.2 togehter with grass 5.0.0p1? 

(I am going to put back b11 for a while to see if it works any better there) 

Morten Sickel
GIS consultant
Drøbak, Norway

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