[GRASSLIST:1611] More projection problems...

mberglund mberglund at rcinfo.net
Wed Mar 14 12:36:16 EST 2001

Ok, I'm a heck of a lot closer than I have been with my projection

I have done a point conversion on one of the points in a .tfw file from
albers to stp, and I get the wrong x coordinate out. The Y is right on the

In any event if some has a second and can verify that my conversion is
correct, I would appreciate it.


Projection: Albers
Units: Meters
Datum HPGN
1st standard parallel: 24 00 00
2nd standard parallel: 31 30 00
Central Meridian: -84 00 00
Latitude of projection's origin: 24 00 00
False easting (meters):  400000.0
False northing (meters): 0.0

The point in albers is
Easting: 557754.976629873621278
Northing: 576793.941004194319248

Projection: State Plane
Units: Feet
State FIPS code: 12(Florida)
County FIPS code: 83(Marion)

My result has been:
  X_in (meters)   Y_in (meters)   X_out (feet)    Y_out (feet)
  ------------    -----------     -------------   -------------

    557754.00       576793.00       380339.35      1764858.00

This is off by roughly 120000 feet!!! (According to the map I am
converting into.) This presents a small problem for me, and explains why
grass complains that the "Input map is outside the current region" when I
try to do a r.proj on the incoming map.

If any one can give me a handle on what I am doing wrong I would
appreciate it.

I would also like to thank the 4 or 5 people who have helped me get
rolling with grass. The docs are pretty good, but the people here make
this thing work.

Thanks again,
Matt Berglund

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