[GRASSLIST:2668] Re: v.surf.rst

Michel Wurtz mw at teledetection.fr
Mon Nov 19 03:20:35 EST 2001

Arne Pallentin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am working my way through the use of v.surf.rst, but I ran into some major
> (at least for me) problems. My data, contours, is imported from ArcInfo via
> .e00. As there is multiple files for one imported file in /dig_catts, I set a
> link with the name of the vector map pointing to the file with the altitude of
> each contour. If I run v.surf.rst with default setting, a surface is
> calculated, but all values are completely out of range. Having altitudes of
> 400-1000m in the area, the resulting dem has values from 10000 to 35000, and
> the data is inverse (highs are now low). So, is this caused by wrong setting
> (tension, smoothing, etc.), or am I doing something wrong with the input data,
> so for example I have to use a different file containing the contour labels?? I
> have the feeling I mix something terribly up, but maybe someone could point me
> into the right direction...

I think that v.surf.rst doesn't use the catégory file, but directly
the attribute values (in the dig_att directory). Your dig_cats file
should show you that the increase in atts corresponds to a decrease in
cats (that are the elevation values).
You will have to combine the original dig_att file and the dig_cats
elevation file in a new dig_att file to be used (after running v.support)

Michel WURTZ - DIG - Maison de la télédétection
               500, rue J.F. Breton
               34093 MONTPELLIER Cedex 5

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