[GRASSLIST:2583] German GRASS meeting

Rainer Trusch trusr000 at mail.uni-mainz.de
Wed Oct 10 19:02:13 EDT 2001

Dear GRASS users,

The GRASS Anwender-Vereinigung is going to organize a German GRASS
meeting at 8./9. 2001 in Mainz/Germany.

The basic idea is to bring German-speaking GRASS users together. There
will be some lectures, discussions and tutorials as well as time to
sit together and work at some projekts or problems. It's going to be
more of a happening than a congress.

As mentioned above it is basically for German-speaking people. In case
someone else is living in or near to Germany or is accidently in
Germany at that time, feel free to come. There will be enough people
speaking English and at some points we can help with translations.

Within the next two weeks an official announcement is going to follow
with more informations.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me or use the
German mailinglist.


Rainer Trusch

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