[GRASSLIST:3436] RE: Just another stupid question from a paranoid education fun!

Kidd, James P. james.kidd at covance.com
Thu Apr 4 08:36:34 EST 2002


Actually, obtaining a copy a ArcView 8.1 for student use is easier and
cheaper than $12,000.  All you need is a copy of your school schedule
showing that you are enrolled in a university GIS course and about $1,000.

My wife and I purchased it last fall for $250 (for just ArcView 8.1).
ArcView 8.1 comes with a 30 day license for the three analyst modules.  ESRI
will be happy to sell a single user copy of the analysts for $250 each.
These are all licenses that never expire.  I asked about what happens after
school if we start up a consultancy.  ERSI's answer was to pay the remaining
money to obtain a commercial license.

I realize that $1,000 bucks is still costly, but it within reach of most

ERDAS Imagine is even lower (relatively speaking).  They will license the
entire product for $250 annually while your students are enrolled.  The
license is similar to SAS in that if you don't re-license the product then
Imagine ceases to work.

Check both company's website for 800 numbers concerning educational
purchases, because the prices are hard to find.

ESRI sells another product, ArcInfo 8.1, which has all the bells and
whistles you could every want.  It is not available for a workstation
license however and primarily designed for server applications.  It is
really expensive and may be the $12,000 product you reference in your

James Kidd
SAS Liaison Programmer
Covance Central Laboratory Services
8211 SciCor Dr
Indianapolis, Indiana 46214
james.kidd at covance.com  

-----Original Message-----
From: ivan [mailto:ivan at es.usyd.edu.au]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 4:34 AM
Cc: Grass mailing list
Subject: [GRASSLIST:3430] Just another stupid question from a paranoid
education fun!

I asked this question before and would like to say thank to those who

I am interested in GRASS as both teaching and research tool primarily
because of it non-commercial and generic nature. ESRI provides excellent
set of tools, but a single copy - ready to use workstation with ArcGIS
license is priced at around 12.000$ US.  The question is how many
university graduate students can buy it to start doing some simple
consultancy or independent research work. Not too many I guess.

Once again can you see GRASS as an educational tool for students in 
Earth Science (Geology; Geophysics, Fluvial Geomorphology, Soil Science; 
Geography); Please send your opinion or www references if you aware  of 
any examples.

Thank you in advance. 


Ivan Teliatnikov,
F05 David Edgeworth Building,
Department of Geology and Geophysics,
School of Geosciences,
University of Sydney, 2006

e-mail: ivan at es.usyd.edu.au
ph:  061-2-9351-2031 (w)
fax: 061-2-9351-0184 (w)


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