[GRASSLIST:3615] Re: problem with grass-jni under solaris2.8 and grass5

Eric G. Miller egm2 at jps.net
Tue Apr 30 21:05:10 EDT 2002

On Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 06:20:20PM -0400, Allard, Yannick (EXP) wrote:
> Hi everyone
>  we are trying to install grass-jni under solaris2.8 with the library of
> grass5. We dont have the library of the grass 4 release. 
> Is there anyone who had succeded in installing grass-jni with the libraries
> of grass5. under solaris?
> I've also tried to compile under i386solaris2.8, but there was a problem
> when I tried to access the libgis.so ( generated with the grass5 libgis.a )
> file... I could call another .so ( like the HelloWorld ;)  ) library but not
> that one. 

Nobody's touched the jni library in a long time, so I'd suspect it's not
fully in sync with libgis.  Also, it makes a difference how shared
libes are built (usually needs -fpic or -fPIC which libgis.a isn't built
with).  Then, of course, there's LD_LIBRARY_PATH if the libes aren't in
the default search path...

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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