[GRASSLIST:4266] Re: compiling Grass5pre5 on Cygwin (wrap up)

Thomas Dewez thomas.dewez at brunel.ac.uk
Fri Aug 9 09:25:36 EDT 2002

Dear all,

Finally, I have "succesfully" compiled Grass5.0.0pre5 on cygwin 1.3.12-4 on
windows XP Pro. Cygwin was installed just "off the shelf".

The configuration that worked for me was:
$ ./configure --with-postgres-includes=/usr/include/postgresql/internal \
       --with-postgres-libs=/lib/postgresql \
       --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include \
       --x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib \
       --with-tcltk-includes=/usr/local/include \
       --with-tcltk-libs=/usr/local/lib \
       --without-gd --without-odbc --without-fftw > grass_configure.log

$ make > make_grass.log

$ make install > make_install_grass.log

Configure didn't find the inconv() function. I don't know what it does but I
assumed it wouldn't be too important (right?). The inconv.exe file in /bin
and the libinconv.a is in /lib. Don't know what package inconv works with so
I couldn't link it.

Configure couldn't find odbc (hence the without odbc switch) though again it
existed in /lib/w32api and /usr/include/w32api. Adding those paths didn't
seem satisfactory in --with-odbc-includes and --with-odbc-libs. Don't know
why but I skipped it as a result.

Due to a problem between Cygwin and XP Pro (this was a fresh install of the
latest Cygwin) I had to redirect the standard output to a log file. I don't
know whether other Cygwin users have observed this before but when Cygwin
produces a large amount of output to the screen, the System process
(monitored with the Windows Task manager) takes over more than 95% of the
CPU power and sometimes crashes (Blue Screen of Death with error 0x96 or
error 0xA). This is not the case when the output is directed to a file,
though this doesn't say why this happens. One of the symptoms of imminent
crash is the fan speeding up.

Finally, Grass5pre5 is working quite happily in XWin as long as I am not
trying to do any intensive computing (especially r.surf.rst on 10^6 sites).
Though I was expecting r.surf.rst to be significantly improved in speed and
efficiency on version pre5, Cygwin and/or XP are still not happy with large
volumes of data. I got again a Blue Screen of Death with error 0xA in
writing (third info is 0x1 which means writing error) just after lunch. Any
hint on this would be hugely appreciated.

The bottom line of this e-mail is simply to document a (relatively)
succesful compilation procedure. This is not a perfect world so other
problems persist but the compilation is working!



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