[GRASSLIST:4394] RE: Problems with r.le

William L. Baker BakerWL at uwyo.edu
Wed Aug 28 10:48:54 EDT 2002

Els...I am usually the person who fixes problems with
r.le, as we wrote the code here at UW.  Unfortunately,
I have not had the time to upgrade r.le.dist to match
version 5 of GRASS.  I still hope to do this, but it
will be some time yet before it can be accomplished.
I am sorry you also had problems with r.le.dist under
4.3.  It should still work with version 4.3.

Bill B.
Univ. of Wyoming

-----Original Message-----
From: Els Ducheyne [mailto:Els.Ducheyne at rug.ac.be]
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 7:48 AM
To: GRASSLIST at baylor.edu
Subject: [GRASSLIST:4392] Problems with r.le

In the past I have been using r.le.patch for analysis. Now I also
want to use the r.le.dist function but I end up getting segmentation
all the time. I was using grass4.3 for the analysis.
Now I thought it was a good opportunity to install grass5 because on the
webpages it is stated that grass5 now has r.le.dist installed. However
that is not the case, at least not when you install the precompiled
binaries for linux. After installation, I find only r.le.patch,
and r.le.trace.

Can anybody help me by either saying how to use r.le.dist without
segmention fault, or where to get the new version of r.le.dist with
grass5. I really need this function because I want to determine for a
forest the distance of non-cut parts to either the external edge or
internal edges.
My image consists of two categories: cut and non-cut, I have looked at
histogram and really have only two categories 1 and 2!
The only thing that maybe is of importance is that the number of patches
is large...

Thanks for any suggestions and help

|        Els Ducheyne              |
|        Ph-D student              |
|      Coupure Links 653           |
|          9000 Gent               |
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