[GRASSLIST:5239] Re: vector question

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Thu Dec 19 11:06:33 EST 2002

On Thursday 19 December 2002 04:27 pm, Ivan Marchesini wrote:
> Dear Radmin,
> It seems that your modules are perfect for my intentions....
> really you can put them on the Web???
> I would be really gratefull !!!!!!!
> Thank for your answer!!!!!


but I forgot to tell that it is for GRASS 5.1, sorry.
Warning1: there is no documentation, I can help you by 
an advice, but not unlimited.
Warning2: it is designed for real world (noncontinuous segments), 
so it may seem to be a bit complicated first.

Do you want to use LRS created from mileposts (points with km)?


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