[GRASSLIST:3090] Re: Programs in --5.0pre3? v.trim?

John Gillette JGillette at rfmd.com
Mon Feb 4 11:18:05 EST 2002

*Glynn Clements, William L. Baker have been 
*discussing the programs in Grass 5.0.0pre3.

I assume that the "official list" comes from the file
.../grass5.0.0pre3/src/CMD/list/GRASS in the source tree.
(Also the file optional.) This appears to be a list that
./config modifies based on what it finds and settings.

Some things appear to have comments with them.

I am interested in v.trim.  I went to use it.
It has an html help page.  It is in the graphical
interface.  But it isn't found!

In the source listing mentioned above there is the 
comment above it that says:
#not working

What is the status on v.trim?
I need to trim some small lines created during a 
r.line conversion of a raster file.  V.spag doesn't
appear to change anything.

Are there any other suggestions short of using v.digit
and manually erasing?

John Gillette

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