[GRASSLIST:3097] idea: NNTP server for all free GIS groups

Dan Jacobson jidanni at yahoo.com.tw
Tue Feb 5 23:33:14 EST 2002

Idea: NNTP server for all free GIS groups...
a read-only one-way server, that would keep available the latest
discussions of GRASS, GMT, etc. lists.  Posters would still have to
post via the traditional means.

This would help those of use dependent on flaky POP mailboxes and
modems, etc.

The natural candidate to host these NNTP groups would be the FreeGIS
guys in Germany.  [what a coincidence, their name just matches the
scope of my proposal :-) ]

>>>>> "B" == Bernhard Reiter <bernhard at intevation.de> writes:

B> On Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 06:10:20AM +0800, Dan Jacobson wrote:
>> >>>>> "B" == Bernhard Reiter <bernhard at intevation.de> writes:

B> As long as there is only one node nntp has not that many advantages.
>> you could serve the GMT, PROJ, ... lots of lists too!

B> True, though those projects have their own lists.
B> It is not the number of lists, but the number of nntp-nodes in
B> a newsserver network that really let the nntp-advantages come out.  8)

well, let's try one node for starters anyway... and the lucky node
provider is ....[drum-roll]... you! (FreeGIS) :-)

B> It probably will only be useful if we get even more email.
B> If you want to help, we could try to find out how to take control of
B> the deserted usenet *grass* newsgroups.
>> Markus Neteler was trying to figure how to do that too...

B> Yes, but AFAIK he did not succeed yet.

Markus> that's right - the lack of time is eminent.
Markus> Dan, maybe you can find out if more people are interested in that.
Markus> To re-feed the info.grass.* seems to be non-trivial, at least I 
Markus> do not have the slightest idea how to reactivate it.

instead of reactivating it, lets just start with a single NNTP server
serving, oh 5 or 6 Free GIS related lists.  That way we could also
avoid any "bad karma" [stale configuration messes] that might occur by
using the old name...

>> Anyway, looking at
>> news2.sinica.edu.tw
>> tin.le.org
>> tlug.linux.org.tw
>> tlug.sinica.edu.tw
>> one can see how helpful it is... 

B> It is good that you've let us know that you would find it useful.
B> If we find time or get a lot more requests, we will install
B> an nntp-Server for GRASS in the future.
B> 	Bernhard

mmm... another option is to simply ask, say, one of the above existing 
servers to add the Free GIS related groups... but, well, if you
FreeGIS guys did it, ... well. it might be easier to maintain, as you
are more close to the subject, and there are just a few groups... plus
you can gain valuable experience :-) and add an additional dimension
the FreeGIS project :-) [i.e. I also have not the slightest idea how
to do it... so I leave it in the hands of the Professionals :-)]
B> -- 
B> Professional Service for Free Software                   (intevation.net)  
B> The FreeGIS Project                                         (freegis.org)
B> Association for a Free Informational Infrastructure            (ffii.org)
B> FSF Europe                                            	  (fsfeurope.org)

By the way.  I hope the subscription options to the lists to be
involved allow the mode: "I'm subscribed, but don't want to get the
list by email ['cause I use NNTP]... but still reserving my right to
post occasionally [by e-mail]", for the case of "only members can post".
CC: freegis-list at intevation.de
http://www.geocities.com/jidanni/ Taiwan(04)25854780

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