[GRASSLIST:3129] Re: v.support and general vector question

Michel Wurtz mw at teledetection.fr
Wed Feb 13 01:11:56 EST 2002

Olivier Laporte wrote:

> I obtain a similar message (but no PNT_TO_AREA msg) ,

What message ?

> and when trying to run v.to.rast on my vector file,
> the result can't be displayed. Moreover, the Cell file
> is quite light (but is not when using  only lines file
> from ARCINFO's e00...)
> There must be a problem due to the polygons, which are
> maybe not well supported when imported through
> m.in.e00.

They are supported, but when a polygon is not labelled,
v.to.rast doesn't produce any cell. If you label them
with v.digit, you will see all polygons.

When its job is finished, v.support display something like :
 Number of lines:   6092
 Number of nodes:   4147
 Number of areas:   1946
 Number of isles:   1
 Number of atts :   466
 Number of unattached atts :   5

That means that only 466 polygons are labelled, so you
will not see the 1500 others on the raster produced by
v.rast (this can be right if they are holes in other
You see also that 5 labels are not inside a closed polygon.

> The on line help for m.in.e00  -d says you can use a
> DATABASE to store all dig_cats files. Is this function
> now available?

No... (I'm working on it, but slooooooowly)

Michel WURTZ - DIG - Maison de la télédétection
               500, rue J.F. Breton
               34093 MONTPELLIER Cedex 5

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