[GRASSLIST:4034] i.image.mosaic
Sigrid Hess
shess at students.uni-mainz.de
Fri Jul 5 06:26:52 EDT 2002
Hi Felix,
hope you're still in life and on this line.
I have a problem with the mosaicking GRASS-script
written by Markus and for which you delivered the code:
In case of application of i.image.mosaic
I get the result "mosaic_50%.jpg".
In case of using r.patch
I get the result "patch_50%.jpg".
Problems arise in the middle area of the two scenes
not correctly stitched together.
Additionally in case of i.image.mosaic, the problem
of color tables appears.
Could you give me some clues, advices, script corrections ?
so far
Sigrid HESS
University of Mainz
Institute of Phys.Geography
Becherweg 21
D-55099 Mainz
e-mail: shess at students.uni-mainz.de
Tel. ++49-(0)6131- 39 20976
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