[GRASSLIST:4077] Azimuthal Equidistant projection moves center latitude by 0.0299 degrees compared to specified lat_0

Daren Zywicki daren.zywicki at gtri.gatech.edu
Mon Jul 15 13:57:24 EDT 2002

When I create a new location with the azimuthal equidistant projection, my
center latitude moves by 0.0299 degrees from the one I specify for lat_0 in
the setup of the location. The center longitude lon_0 remains correct.

On redhat Linux 7.2, the shift is 0.0299. On solaris, under the same 
location scenario,
latitude is off by 0.004745 from the one specified by lat_0, and the longitude
is correct.

Has anyone else run into this? Is this expected based on the
azimuthal equidistant projection and choice of datum and ellipsoid (wgs84 in
this case)?

Daren J. Zywicki, PhD
Georgia Tech Research Institute
Sensors and Electromagnetic Applications Lab (SEAL)

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