[GRASSLIST:4134] RE: state plane - newbie

Dan Gelinas dg at safe.com
Tue Jul 23 14:19:36 EDT 2002

>Are you suggesting that I create a new location from 
>scratch, or add these parameters into the state83 file as just suggested by 

Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with coordinate system tweaking in GRASS. I'm the guy who does the tweaking in our own FME software though. 
I would follow John's suggestions...

I think the parameters I sent you are in meters though. You may need to convert them to US FEET.

Good luck!


Safe Software Q.C.Q.A.     Safe Software Inc.               dg at safe.com
Daniel Gelinas, P.Eng.     Surrey, BC, CANADA        phone: (604) 501-9985
B. Appl. Sc. (Geomatics)  http://www.safe.com          fax: (604) 501-9965
                      Solutions for Spatial Data
                 Translation, Distribution and Access

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