[GRASSLIST:3826] DRG input problems

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Tue Jun 4 14:50:38 EDT 2002

I am trying to import a USGS DRG into a 5.0.pre4 installation under Mac OSX.
On my powerbook, it imported using both r.in.tiff and r.in.gdal. However,
when I zoom in to the image, it seems very low resolution. Contour lines are
reduced to a scattering of brown dots that are illegible.

On my G4 desktop, r.in.gdal says that the geotiff is an unsupported format.
When I use r.in.tiff, it says that it can't find/open libtiff.dylib.

On both machines, I have fink installed, which places all libs in the
/sw/lib directory and then puts it in the path. I have the current version
of libtiff3 (with a symlink from libtiff.dylib to libtiff3.dylib). This
seems to work fine on the powerbook.

On the G4, I tried symlinks for libtiff.dylib in the /usr/local/lib,
/usr/lib, and /usr/local/grass5/lib directories to no avail

Any thoughts???
Michael Barton, Professor & Curator
Department of Anthropology
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ  85287-2402

voice: 480-965-6262; fax: 480-965-7671

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