[GRASSLIST:3841] Re: .grassrc5 problem

GRASS grass at geni.cemtlo.com
Thu Jun 6 20:47:45 EDT 2002

From: felipe <felipem at softhome.net>
Subject: [GRASSLIST:3839] .grassrc5 problem
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 11:36:28 -0500
> Helloooo list,
> I need to generate png files in truecolor, so I set the .grassrc5
> file:
> -->vi .grassrc5
> GISDBASE: //nature
> PAINTER: preview
> LOCATION_NAME: subachoque2
> PSPAINTER: carta
> GRASS_PNGFILE: mapa1.png
> GRASS_GUI: tcltk
> -->grass5
> but when I execute.... I have this.
> GRASS:~ > d.mon start=PNG
> PNG: collecting to file: map.png,
> Graphics driver [PNG] started


I was experiencing the same situation lastnight; so I've looked into
related sources.
Developer's guideline recommends that they should use ~/.grassrc5 env vars
(G_[gs]etenv) instead of shell env vars([gs]etenv).  Unfortunately, these
two types of env vars are not compatible with each other.

d.mon uses shell env vars so that you could not change the size of the
monitor by setting GRASS_HEIGHT in ~/.grassrc5.
You should use shell env vars to change the size.

	GRASS_HEIGHT=900; export GRASS_HEIGHT		# in sh
	setenv GRASS_HEIGHT 900				# in csh

You may want to append this line to ~/.grass.cshrc or ~/.grass.bashrc.

Anyway, I think that it can confuse many users and developers: getenv() can
not get G_setenv() vars and vice versa.  It may be the solution to change
all [gs]etenv()'s in sources to G_[gs]etenv()'s; or make sure which vars should
be set in ~/.grassrc5 using g.gisenv and others NOT.

Huidae Cho

> Why? 
> Thanks,
> felipe
> P.D. Markus, Thanks for the 3825 answer

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