[GRASSLIST:3857] Re: s.surf.idw help

Kevin Slover Kevin.Slover at noaa.gov
Tue Jun 11 07:53:36 EDT 2002

Gordon and H...
thanks for the advice on adding swap space...I am going to add a 2GB
swap..and seeing if this will work for me or not...other than that, it
might be a good way to convince some of the bosses for a new
work-station!!  Cheers

Gordon Keith wrote:

> Sounds like you are running out of swap space.
> I gave up on s.surf.idw on my data set. After I gave it about 3GB of
> swap space it managed to process 3% of the data over a weekend, so I
> killed it.
> If you have any luck with settings that work in reasonable time, let me
> know.
> To monitor your swap usage you can use utilities like top, xosview etc
> (they're the ones I use, but there are many others that will do the
> job).
> If you are running out of swap space it is fairly easy to create a swap
> file and add it to your current swap area:
> su
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swapfile bs=1024 count=2048000
> mkswap /var/swapfile
> swapon /var/swapfile
> Will create a 2GB (approx) swapfile called /var/swapfile, format it as
> swapfile and add it to the swap space.
> The file can reside anywhere on the local file system, so long as it it
> created using the preceding commands. On a faster disk is of course
> better for performance. Swapfiles bigger than 2GB only work on very
> recent kernels, so I'd recommend sticking with 2GB or less and use more
> than one if you want more than 2GB extra swap space. (I used 2x2GB
> swapfiles and a 1.5GB swap partition when I was playing with
> s.surf.idw).
> If you no longer need the swap space but need the disk space you can
> free it with:
> su
> swapoff /var/swapfile
> rm /var/swapfile
> The swapoff command will only work when there are no pages currently in
> the swapfile.  See man pages for mkswap, swapon and swapoff for
> details.
> Hope this helps
> Gordon
> On Sat, 8 Jun 2002 01:09, Kevin Slover wrote:
> > I am attempting to use r.surf.idw to create a finer resolution data
> > set for GLOBE data.  Currently, I have imported the data at .001 deg
> > X .001 deg res, and am trying to get to .0005 X .0005 deg res...it
> > starts fine,
> >
> > reading in the input raster, however, will not read the entire
> > raster...
> >
> > When it is reading in the raster, is it storing it to memory before
> > starting the interpolation??  The first time I tried it, the message
> > simply said KILLED.  I tried a second time, reducing the area of
> > interpolation, and it completely froze up my computer.  I am using
> > pre4 ( I think), I downloaded from CVS 2 wks ago, on a RH7.2.  Any
> > thoughts??  I think I might be trying to do too much...just my first
> > guestimate...
> >
> > thanks...
> --
> Gordon Keith
> Programmer/Data Analyst
> Marine Acoustics
> CSIRO Marine Research
> http://www.marine.csiro.au
> "Computers are useless. They can only give you answers."
> - Pablo Picasso, 1968

LTJG Kevin Slover, NOAA
GIS Specialist/Oceanographer
NOAA/TPC/TSB/Storm Surge Unit
11691 SW 17th Street
Miami FL  33165

W (305) 299-4456

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