[GRASSLIST:3870] distance between polygons

Johannes Bühler johannesbuehler at oderbruecke.de
Wed Jun 12 10:10:49 EDT 2002

> Johannes B|hler wrote:
>> does anyone know a function or a method how to find out the shortest
>> distance
>> between two (and more) polygons, using GRASS?  i was
>> thinking about something like computing the distance of each polygon
>> node to the nodes of the other polygon. and than just select the shortest
>> ones.
Glynn Clements wrote: 

>That won't necessarily produce the correct answer. The shortest
>distance could be between a vertex of one polygon and a point on an
>edge of the other polygon.

you are right. I need the shortest distance between a vertex and an 
edgepoint. is there a solution for this?


--          Johannes Buehler
   __O      Feldtstr. 45
 =`\<,      14789 Greifswald 
(=)/(=)     johannesbuehler at oderbruecke.de

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