[GRASSLIST:3971] Re: intersect sites with polygons?

Michel Wurtz mw at teledetection.fr
Thu Jun 27 15:23:56 EDT 2002

"Jeff D. Hamann" wrote:
> I would like to intersect a sites layer with a polygon layer to obtain only
> the polygons that have a site within them... Do I have to convert the sites
> to a raster/vector layer first?

copy the polygon layer (in saying "xxx")
replace att/xxx by your site file (some editing needed :
both are text files, but the format is a little different,
taking something else than zero as the attribute number)
run v.support (errors may occur, but after that the only
labelled polygons are the one with sites inside)
run v.to.rast : non labelled poly ( <=> labelled to 0)
will not appear.

Michel WURTZ - DIG - Maison de la télédétection
               500, rue J.F. Breton
               34093 MONTPELLIER Cedex 5

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