[GRASSLIST:3283] Re: Topmodel parameter file

Wouter Buytaert wouter.buytaert at yucom.be
Mon Mar 4 09:54:40 EST 2002

>  The TOPMODEL code is very good and topinx has the multiple flow 
> algorithm
>  which works nicely on hillslopes (too bad that you cannot get the 
> upslope
>  area too from it), so it would be nice if somebody could take it, add
>  additional useful outputs and write decent manual.
>  Perhaps we find someone to write an improved manual page including an
>  example (eventually based on the parameter files in the source code)?

Well, if I can get it working, it will be a pleasure to write an 
improved manual. However, until now, there are some major problems I 

- A "topographic index statistics file" is necessary as input. However, 
the original TOPMODEL program doesn't need such a file. So I really 
don't know what it would be.

- In my Mac OS X pre3 version, the r.water.outlet command is missing, 
necessary to create a basin map. Did it disappear in the recent version, 
or is it just a flaw in the precompiled macOS X version?




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