[GRASSLIST:3299] r.neighbors question

Kevin Slover kjslover at nhc.noaa.gov
Wed Mar 6 09:37:04 EST 2002

I am using r.neighbors to increase the resolution of rasters that I have
created, and have noticed something interesting...maybe it is my lack of
understanding of something in the program, but....I am getting null
values in the resulting raster.  It appears that it is setting values of
0 to null in the result...which then creates gaps in the images...any
ideas on what might be causing this??
my command line is:  r.neighbors input=some.raster
output=someother.raster method=average size=3.  My initial resolution is
set at 0:00:45 and I am reducing (increasing) to 0:00:15.  Thanks!!

LTJG Kevin Slover, NOAA
GIS Specialist/Meteorologist/Oceanographer
Tropical Prediction Center/Technical Support Branch
11691 SW 17th Street Miami FL 33165
(W) 305-229-4456  (F) 305-553-1264

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