[GRASSLIST:3383] german umlauts with ps.map

Andreas Lange Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de
Tue Mar 26 05:32:57 EST 2002


i have a problem generating ps and pdf files with ps.map that contain
german umlauts (äüöß).
I am not shure that it is a GRASS problem.
If i put the umlauts in the ps.map file, the umlauts are in the ps file
(which is a human readable printer language). But they are not displayed
with ghostview or xpdf or Acrobat Reader. I tested on Linux and W2K. 

I have no such problems with xfig, which generates ps/pdf output with
fig2dev. The ps file from fig2dev has a long preamble, which redefines
fonts and encondings. (/isovec [...], /Helvetica-Bold
/Helvetica-Bold-iso isovec ReEncode, and the umlauts are encoded in the
text with \374 etc.).

I am no Postscript specialist. But i need a solution and am willing to
delve into the details of ps.map in GRASS.


Andreas Lange, 65187 Wiesbaden, Germany, Tel. +49 611 807850
url: http://mitglied.lycos.de/AndreasLange
mail: Andreas.Lange_at_Rhein-Main.de - A.C.Lange_at_GMX.net

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