[GRASSLIST:4637] Locations and Projections

Dave Graham davegraham at linuxmail.org
Thu Oct 3 20:31:35 EDT 2002

Heres a good question for anybody:

When you create a Location, you have to give it a projection -- thus I assume a Location can only have one projection.  Can two Locations, with differing projections overlap?  Furthermore, if they can overlap, can they be displayed together without conversion?  

In black and white, what I'm asking is would it be possible to display a set of coordinates in Latitude/Longitude/Elevation and a State Plane vector DXF file over a Georeferenced Raster plane -- Without first converting the coordinates to State Plane (or the DXF to Lat/Long/Elev?)  

Coordinate conversion is fairly simple with CORPSCON (and can probably be done in GRASS, though I haven't tried it.)  CORPSCON works with comma delimited ascii files (x,y,z,desc.)  Another question is how to do projection conversions on vector DXF files -- I have a simple utility to go from a comma delimited ascii format to DXF, but I'm not sure how to go from DXF to comma delimited ascii.  Again, this can probably be done in GRASS, but I haven't tried it.

But back to my original question, is the conversion absolutely necessary?  The GIS I'm scheming involves a huge area, and a lot of different file formats and projections -- I'd like to minimize conversion as much as possible.

Thanks a bundle.

  - dave graham
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