[GRASSLIST:4676] Re: Outputing values of neighboring cells in a DIFFERENT layer

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Mon Oct 7 13:36:16 EDT 2002

Jason Horn wrote:

> I'm looking for a little advice.  I need to output some cell values by 
> examining two raster layers.  I need to know the values of neighboring 
> cells (very much like what r.neighbors does).  However, rather that 
> getting the values of the neighboring cells in the same layer, I need 
> the values of the neighboring cells of the corresponding cell in a 
> DIFFERENT layer.
> For example: I have two layers A and B.  I'm interested in cell (10, 
> 10) in layer A.  I'd like to output the values of the neighboring 
> pixels from the corresponding cell (10, 10) in layer B.  I want to do 
> this for every cell that is part of a particular phenomenon in layer A.
> r.neighbors is close, but not quite it.  I need the ability to get the 
> values of neighboring cells from OTHER layers.  Does anyone have any 
> ideas?

I'm not entirely sure what you're doing, but it may be that you want
to run r.neighbors on B to produce C, then combine A and C in some

If you can be more specific about the task, I may be able to be more
specific about the solution.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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