[GRASSLIST:4869] Re: GRASS multiple language support

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Thu Oct 31 19:13:45 EST 2002

Xiangzhou Wang wrote:

> I may not read all GRASS document, but I cannot find
> if GRASS support multiple languages, such as
> Chinese/Japanese.
> Can anyone help me on that.

In general, no.

Primitive internationalisation support has been added in 5.0.0;
however, currently only the PostgreSQL modules have been
internationalised, and the only localised message catalogues are for

The latest CVS version also includes internationalisation of the core
libgis library, the session startup, and tcltkgrass. Again, the only
existing message catalogues are for Russian.

However, even if you were to construct Chinese/Japanese message
catalogues for those parts which have been internationalised, the
curses-based interfaces won't handle double-width characters

OTOH, d.text.freetype does support displaying CJK text.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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