[GRASSLIST:4415] GRASS on Debian Woody revisited

H. Bowman ihatejunkyabastards at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 3 06:23:20 EDT 2002

Thought I might as well repost my notes for getting Debian 3.0/Woody to 
compile GRASS..

The apt-file program was the key for finding which package contained the 
missing development libraries.

Look at the top of the 'glxinfo' to see if direct rendering is going or 
not. Not required, but it'll speed up NVIZ a bunch if you've got a newer 
video card and can figure out how to get it working.

pls. forgive the mess.

-------------- next part --------------
If it helps anyone else-

The following gets pretty much everthing config'd in for me with a stock installation of the current (feb 2002) Debian Woody 3.0. Any packages I already had installed, well add them too- but I don't know what they are. I have not shifted any files or set up any special links that I can think of.
Some of these packages may not really be needed..

.deb Package       Provides..
libncurses5-dev    curses.h
zlib1g-dev         zip fn's
libjpegb2-dev      \
libtiff3g-dev       |- graphics
# superseded  libpng2-dev        /

task-tcltk-dev     Tcl/Tk widgets 8.3
fftw-dev           FFT Libraries
# superseded  libgd-dev          gif/png support
libgd2-dev          gif/png support

postgresql-dev     PostgreSQL
libsqlxx-dev       ODBC ? conflicts with unixodbc-dev?
libgdbmg1-dev      DBM
unixodbc-dev       ODBC
libfreetype6-dev   Freetype
libmotif-dev       Motif
blas-dev           BLAS 
lapack-dev         LAPACK
g77-3.0            for BLAS (& lapack as well??)
f2c                for BLAS (libf2c) unneeded?

and I use the following config line:

./configure --with-tcltk-includes=/usr/include/tcl8.3/ --with-postgres-includes=/usr/include/postgresql/ --with-motif --with-motif-includes=/usr/X11R6/include --with-freetype --with-freetype-includes=/usr/include/freetype2/ --with-blas --with-blas-libs=/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/3.0.3/ --with-lapack  2>&1 | tee config_log.txt

Once there was a Grass/Debian howto page, although it wasn't working when I needed it last.

Also look for the pre-.deb'd version of grass, thanks to Federico Di Gregorio:
fog at mixadlive.com, fog at debian.org

History: (while trying to get 5.0pre2 to go)
I ran into a problem described in the archives starting
about April '99 on a few of my Debian/Woody Linux
machines; namely it seemingly compile & install all
right, but then died with the shell complaining that 
/usr/local/grass5/etc/lock  File Not Found, and you
should contact your sys admin.

(The old problems back in '99 seemed to be fixed with
a glibc upgrade, and was from precompiled binaries

I got the same source installed fine on the Red Hat
machine across the hall.

Closer investigation revealed that the lock program
never made it into the etc/ directory. Actually not
much did. Jumped over to the source tree, compiled it,
put it where it should be, and hey, everything works.
But then it falls over looking for the etc/set_data
program which is also missing. So try to compile that,
but it coughs up some blood complaining curses.h is
missing.. it's not in /usr/include .....

Install the Debian package libncurses5-dev, which
provides curses.h, clean up & start over, and it

I guess you normally don't ever need to install stuff
from tar-balls in Debian, so a lot of the development
stuff isn't included by default.

I think the ./configure script in 5.0pre3 may be a bit
smarter about this.


-------------- next part --------------
./configure 2>&1 | tee config_log.txt
./configure > config_log.txt 2>&1

CFLAGS="-O3 -mcpu=pentiumpro -Wall" LDFLAGS="-s" ./configure \
	--with-tcltk-includes=/usr/include/tcl8.3/ \
	--with-postgres-includes="/usr/include/postgresql/ /usr/include/postgresql/server/" \
	--with-motif --with-motif-includes=/usr/X11R6/include \
	--with-freetype --with-freetype-includes=/usr/include/freetype2/ \
	--with-blas --with-blas-libs=/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/3.0.4/ \
	--with-lapack --with-glw \
	--with-dbm \
	--with-readline \
	2>&1 | tee config_log.txt

$> make
#> make install

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