[GRASSLIST:4595] Use of -i option in m.in.e00

Bruce Saunders b.saunders at mindspring.com
Sat Sep 28 01:08:41 EDT 2002


I have imported a number of Arc/Info vector E00 coverages into GRASS 5.0, 
mostly without problems.  However, I am not certain if I should or should 
not use the -i option to change the indexing term assigned to polygon 
and line objects. 

The E00 format documentation (v7) suggests some feature attributes are 
linked by "feature id" and others by "feature #" in the E00 file.  I 
could not unravel the ball of string which links various EOO data 
together, and I could not find much detail in the m.in.e00 manual page
or previous posts to this list.

Can anyone briefly explain how GRASS object indexing works, how m.in.e00 
converts Arc/Info indexing to GRASS indexing, and when the -i option 

Thanks for any pointers,

 - Bruce Saunders <b.saunders at mindspring.com>

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