[GRASSLIST:5946] Re: reclass imported area files: more awk tricks

Ezra Glenn eglenn at mcgregorlaw.com
Wed Apr 2 10:17:19 EST 2003

This seems somewhat similar to a sed script I've been using, provided by 
Michel Wurtz, I believe, that takes the desired dig_cats file as input 
for a v.reclass (or r.reclass).  The basic syntax is something like:

sed -e '1,4d' -e 's/:/=/' < desired dig_cats_file | v.reclass input=map 

(The first half of the sed expression strips off the dig_cats header 
lines, the second half changes the colons in the file to "=", which is 
just the syntax v.reclass (or r.reclass) wants.

Ezra Glenn, AICP
Land Use & Environmental Planner
McGregor & Associates, P.C.
60 Temple Place, Suite 410
Boston, MA 02111
phone: 617.338.6464 x118
fax: 617.338.0737
email: eglenn at mcgregorlaw.com
web: www.mcgregorlaw.com


cheg01 at attbi.com wrote:
> The behavior of Grass 5.0 when importing .e00 area files has caused me some
> heartache the past. I always end up with thousands of areas with unique
> type numbers assigned in dig_cats, even though many areas share the same
> text label value. I have come up with an awk script and a command line that
> will automatically generate reclass input files to create maps that use the
> text label to identify type instead of the arbitrary number assigned by
> grass at import time.
> First cd to the relevant dig_cats directory.
> If your vector file name is $MAP, the command line to create the reclass
> file is:
>               sort -k 2 -t : $MAP | awk -f reclass.awk > reclass
> To fix the vector file, the commands are:
> cat reclass | v.reclass -d type=area input=$MAP output=`echo $MAP`_reclass;
> v.support `echo $MAP`_reclass;
> The same basic process works for raster files if you do it the "cats"
> directory and use "r.reclass input=$MAP output=`echo $MAP`_reclass" instead
> of v.reclass.
> The reclass.awk file is:
> ##########################################
> #   reclass.awk
> #   input must be sorted by cat label before running this!
> ##########################################
>  BEGIN { FS=":" ; ind=0 }
> /^[#%A-Za-z0]../ { next }
> /^[1-9]../ {
> if (ind==0) {
>    test = $2
>    ind++
> }
> if ($2 != test) ind++
> test=$2
> printf("%d=%d %s\n",$1,ind,$2)
> }
> ##########################################


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