[GRASSLIST:6001] Re: sites to raster

Stephan Eickschen eicksch at gfz-potsdam.de
Thu Apr 10 05:08:30 EDT 2003


thanks for your suggestion. Just one question:
> You could try the latest CVS version of s.surf.idw with the npoints option
> set to 1.
How recent should the update be? I build GRASS (GRASS-5.0.2-cvs [Jan 2003])
on april 1st... The man page still tells me about that the last value
is taken ('no warning'). Is the man page outdated or have I to rebuild


Stephan Eickschen                      Tel. :      +49 (0)8153 28-1351
GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ)     Fax. :      +49 (0)8153 28-1207
Department 1, Section 1.2
c/o                                    email:   eicksch at gfz-potsdam.de
DLR Oberpfaffenhofen                   www  : http://op.gfz-potsdam.de
Box 1116
82234 Wessling

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