[GRASSLIST:6114] Re: Problem with d.vect.pg

E. Koster niwlered at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 23 07:51:54 EDT 2003

Michael and Bruno, and others,
Maybe the answer is to simple, but did you set the color? Since you describe 
getting a number of rows found it seems that or the data is not send to your 
monitor (d.mon select="your monitor"), or it is send but in the same color 
as your background.
Maybe its more difficult,


>From: Michael Ash <mash at econs.umass.edu>
>To: Bruno GUILLAUME <guib at aero.obs-mip.fr>
>CC: GRASSLIST at baylor.edu
>Subject: [GRASSLIST:6110] Re: Problem with d.vect.pg
>Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 16:54:04 -0400 (EDT)
> > I use GRASS 5.0.1 and I encountered a problem with
> > d.vect.pg It sends the SQL request to the PostGreSQL
> > database without problem, it also returns the number of
> > rows that it has found in the database, but then it does
> > not display anything on the monitor.
> >
> > Has anybody encountered this problem? Is there a solution?
>I am very glad that you asked this question because I, too,
>hope for some clarification on using the GRASS/PostGreSQL
>interface from GRASSLIST participants.
>As for your problem, is it possible that the column in the
>database table referenced either as key=[column] in the
>d.vect.pg statement or in the SELECT [column] of the sql
>file does not correspond to the vector category values for
>the map designated with map=[map] in the d.vect.pg
>My understanding is that the SQL statement should return
>exactly one column of numbers that correspond to the the
>vector category values for the map designated with map=[map]
>in the d.vect.pg statement.

dr. Elwin Koster
Groningen University - the Netherlands
ekoster at let.rug.nl

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