[GRASSLIST:884] Sites

Kurt Springs ferret_bard at mac.com
Fri Aug 1 17:07:37 EDT 2003

Hi folks,

I've created most of my maps, now I need to create files for my sites.  The
two methods I've attempted to use are s.in.ascii and s.in.dbf.

I have many different types of sites.  Most I just want to place an easting
and a northing.  I need nothing else.  For the man focus of my thesis, the
'wedge tomb,' I wanted to have the easting, northing, and a catalogue number
to identify the tomb on the map.  As an example for one wedge tomb I have:

An easting of 153710, a northing of 312310, and a Catalogue number of Cat.

I attempted to write this as an ASCII file.

153710 312310 #Cat. 32  (is # the right symbol for this?)

I wrote this in Textwrangler, converted to ASCII, and saved with:
File creator: TextWrangler  Save  State:  None  Line Breaks:  Unix
Encoding:  Western(ASCII).

It created a site file, but when I went to display it, nothing happened.

Next, I used the database Filemaker pro 6.0.  I set up the headings
153710  312310   Cat. 32

I then exported this to .dbf and ran s.in.dbf.  It also seemed to import.
But when I ran d.sites  I got:

ERROR: ebuf 1553710 nbuf 312310 @"CAT. 32"

I tried to re-import to .dbf with out the Catalogue No, ran s.in.dbf.
When I tried to display this I got:

ERROR: ebuf 153710 312310 nbuf
ERROR: G_site_new_structure: invalid # dims or fields.

What am I doing wrong?  I just need to label the wedge tombs sites.  The
other sites are just need to appear on the map.


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