[GRASSLIST:892] Re: Problems importing a GMT grd file (SOLUTION)

David Finlayson dfinlays at u.washington.edu
Sun Aug 3 13:06:48 EDT 2003

This is a wrap-up to a problem I had importing GMT grd files into GRASS 
using r.in.bin on Cygwin/XP.

Apparently, GMT 3.4.X type=1 grids are platform dependent.  The header 
line in type=1 grids created on Windows (Cygwin or precompiled binaries) 
contains 4 extra bytes that are not found in a type=1 grid created on 
Linux.  (for more information search the GMT-HELP archives for 
[GMT-HELP:11231] Problems with grdreformat on Cygwin and Windows )

r.in.bin assumes that the header in type=1 GMT grids conforms to the 
Linux convention, hence, any type=1 grids created on the Windows 
platform will fail to import properly.

The solution provided here is a small program that can strip the extra 4 
bytes out of the Windows type=1 grids and convert them to the Linux 
convention (or vis-à-vis).  Thanks to Marta E. Ghidella for this program.

How to proceed:

1) Create the GMT grid in Cygwin or DOS version of GMT as usual (Note 
the default grid type is type=0)

2) Use GMT's grdreformat to convert the grid to type=1:

 > grdreformat ingrid=0 outgrid.win=1

3) Run convert6432.exe or convert6432.py as follows:

 > ./convert6432.exe outgrid.win outgrid.lin -4

or alternatively

 > python convert6432.py outgrid.win outgrid.lin -4

4) Start grass and use r.in.bin to import the linux-style GMT grid:

GRASS:~> r.in.bin -hf in=outgrid.lin out=grid

That, at lest, works for me on Windows XP with Cygwin

NOTE: To compile the C version of convert6432.exe in Cygwin, download 
convert6432.c to any cygwin directory and type:

$ gcc -mno-cygwin convert6432.exe -o convert6432.c

There is a fixed memory size in the C version that is adjusted by making 
the variable NMAX=4000000 larger and recompiling.  This is unnecessary 
in the Python version so long as you don't run out of swap space.

David Finlayson
School of Oceanography
Box 357940
University of Washington
Seattle, WA  98195-7940

Office: Marine Sciences Building, Room 112
Phone: (206) 616-9407
Web: http://students.washington.edu/dfinlays
-------------- next part --------------


Program to modify the header in grd type 1 GMT files 
If these files are generated in Linux, the size of the header is 892;
if they are created in Cygwin or by the Microsoft C binaries, the size
is 896.
This program modifies the header, thus converting files from one
implementation to the other.
>From Linux to Cygwin, it inserts 4 bytes in the header
>From Cygwin to Linux, it removes 4 bytes in the header
The original file is not modified; a new converted file is created.

convert6432 <input grd=1 file> <output grd=1 file> ishift

ishift = 4 to add 4 bytes  (linux to cygwin)
ishift = -4 to remove 4 bytes (cygwin to linux)

Marta, August 3, 2003

mghidella at dna.gov.ar


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <io.h>

main (argc,argv)
int argc;
char **argv; 

char *infile, *outfile, *bufch, chaux[4];
FILE *fpin,*fpout;

/* Note that NMAX can be larger; it has to be greater than or equal to the
   grid size in bytes */

  int num,ie,imem,NMAX=4000000, iread,iw,i;
  int nx,ny,node_offset,ishift,npad=0,*pnx;
  float *grid;

  if (argc != 4) { 
      fprintf(stderr,"Needed argumets:\n");
      fprintf(stderr,"1) Input grd file  (grd format =1)\n"); 
      fprintf(stderr,"2) Output grd file (grd format =1)\n"); 
      fprintf(stderr,"3) Number of bytes to shift in the header:\n"); 
      fprintf(stderr,"   4 (adds    4 bytes, linux to cygwin conversion)\n"); 
      fprintf(stderr,"  -4 (removes 4 bytes, cygwin to linux conversion)\n"); 

    infile=argv[1]; outfile=argv[2];
    printf("infile: %s; outfile: %s; shift= %d\n",infile,outfile,ishift);

    if (ishift != 4 && ishift != -4) {
        fprintf(stderr,"third argument has to be either 4 or -4;\n exits ...\n");

     fprintf(stderr, "opened file: %s \n", infile);
     else {fprintf(stderr, "error opening: %s \n", infile);exit(-1);}

     fprintf(stderr, "opened file: %s \n", outfile);
     else {fprintf(stderr, "error opening: %s \n", outfile);exit(-1);}

/*  Reads the first 4 bytes in the file to check that it is not a netcdf file */


     if (chaux[0]==67 && chaux[1]==68 && chaux[2]==70 && chaux[3]==1) {
         fprintf(stderr, "seems to be a netcdf file: chaux= %s \nexits...\n",chaux);

/* gets nx from auxiliary char */     
     pnx = (int *) chaux;

/* Reads ny and node_offset */


/* writes ny, ny and node_offset in the output file */


     printf("nx= %d; ny= %d, node_offset=%d\n",nx,ny,node_offset);

/* num is the numbr of grid elements */

/* only reads in this case */

         if(ishift == -4) {fread(&npad,4,1,fpin);

/* only writes in this case */

         if(ishift ==  4) {fwrite(&npad,4,1,fpout);

     printf("num= %d,num; npad= %d\n",num,npad);

/* calculates number of bytes needed for storage */


/* checks memory */

     if(imem > NMAX) {
         fprintf(stderr,"needed memory greater than expected ...");

     fprintf(stderr,"imem= %d\n",imem);
/* allocates memory for the remainder of the header */
     bufch=(char *) malloc(880);

/* allocates grid memory  */

     grid=(float *) malloc(imem);
/* reads and writes the rest of the header */


     printf("iread= %d iw= %d\n",iread,iw);

/* reads the whole grid */


/* checks for errors */

     if( iread != num ) {
         fprintf(stderr,"conversion failed; exits ...\n");

/* writes the entire grid */

     printf("iread= %d iw= %d\n",iread,iw);


-------------- next part --------------
# convert6432.py
# Program to modify the header in grd type 1 GMT files
# If these files are generated in Linux, the size of the header is 892;
# if they are created in Cygwin or by the Microsoft C binaries, the size
# is 896.
# This program modifies the header, thus converting files from one
# implementation to the other.
# From Linux to Cygwin, it inserts 4 bytes in the header
# From Cygwin to Linux, it removes 4 bytes in the header
# The original file is not modified; a new converted file is created.
# convert6432 <input grd=1 file> <output grd=1 file> ishift
# ishift = 4 to add 4 bytes  (linux to cygwin)
# ishift = -4 to remove 4 bytes (cygwin to linux)
# Marta, August 3, 2003
# mghidella at dna.gov.ar
# Translated into Python by David Finlayson (dfinlays at u.washington.edu)

import sys
import struct

# Get Command line Arguments
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
    print """
     USAGE: python convert6432.py <input grd=1 file> <output grd=1 file> ishift
     Needed arguments:
     1) Input grd file (grd format =1)
     2) Output grd file (grd format = 1)
     3) Number of bytes to shift in the header:
        4 (adds 4 bytes, linux to cygwin conversion)
       -4 (removes 4 bytes, cygwin to linux conversion)

infile = sys.argv[1]
outfile = sys.argv[2]
ishift = int(sys.argv[3])
print "infile: %s; outfile: %s; shift= %d" % (infile, outfile, ishift)

if (ishift != 4 and ishift != -4):
    print "third argument has to be either 4 or -4"

    fin = file(infile, 'rb')
    print "error opening: %s" % (infile)

    fout = file(outfile, 'wb')
    print "error opening: %s" % (outfile)

# Reads the first 4 bytes in the file to check that it is not a netCDF file
aux = fin.read(4)
auxstr = []
auxstr.append(struct.unpack("c", aux[0])[0])
auxstr.append(struct.unpack("c", aux[1])[0])
auxstr.append(struct.unpack("c", aux[2])[0])
auxstr.append(str(struct.unpack("b", aux[3])[0]))
auxstr = "".join(auxstr)

if auxstr == "CDF1":
    print "seems to be a netCDF file: auxstr= %s" % (auxstr)

# gets nx from auxilary char
nx = struct.unpack("i", aux)[0]

# Reads ny and node_offset
ny = fin.read(4)
ny = struct.unpack("i", ny)[0]
node_offset = fin.read(4)
node_offset = struct.unpack("i", node_offset)[0]

# writes nx, ny and node_offset in the output file
fout.write(struct.pack("i", nx))
fout.write(struct.pack("i", ny))
fout.write(struct.pack("i", node_offset))

print "nx= %d; ny= %d, node_offset=%d" % (nx, ny, node_offset)

# only reads in this case
if ishift == -4:
    npad = fin.read(4)

# only writes in this case
if ishift == 4:
    fout.write(struct.pack("i", 0))

# reads and writes the rest of the file


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