[GRASSLIST:1023] Re: creating a desktop GIS application using GRASS

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Tue Aug 26 06:15:59 EDT 2003

On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 11:19:13AM +0200, Radim Blazek wrote:
> On Monday 25 August 2003 08:03, Jesse Hammons wrote:

> > I want this project to be GPL like the rest of GRASS ...
> The problem is that because
> of GPL, it is impossible to create proprietary applications for GRASS.

I consider this an advantages, because in GRASS' history
each time a vendor made a proprietary application with GRASS code
it was locked in and GRASS development stagnated.

On the other hand, if you make scripts for GRASS you might be able
to make an application which is proprietary, 
so your statement above is only partly correct.

> While for commercial GISes, 

(I assume you are talking about proprietary GIS).

> it is possible to distribute both free
> and proprietary applications, GPL GIS allows GPL compatible extensions only.

As explained above this is not correct, both is possible,
depending if you derive your application from GRASS or build it on top
like using GRASS commands as scripts.

> It is illusion to think, that all required extensions can be created 
> under GPL. 

Why that?
In 1983 Richard Matthews Stallman called to create a complete
operating system (which is a lot more than GRASS extensions) 
and was successful.
Many people thought this wouldn't work, but it did.
You don't know until you try. 

> Until such applications are available (good quality,
> localized, with commercial support) most serious GIS users cannot 
> choose GRASS as their main system.

I believe that GRASS usage could be a lot higher
and is already raising in small steps.

> If your are sure that potential users of your software do not need 
> proprietary extensions, then GPL is OK, otherwise we have to find some
> way how to make it realy free, i.e. not Free (GPL).

I strongly oppose your opinion on that point,
because the GNU GPL is the license
that protects freedom for software best.

What you demand is "the permission" to vender-lock users in 
and in my view that is not bringing more freedom, but less.

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