[GRASSLIST:1080] hung processes

Don Harter harter_d at bellsouth.net
Sun Aug 31 19:25:42 EDT 2003

Sometimes when I run zoom in on a map set or query a mapset with a mouse 
the process "hangs".
I know this because I will try to run a command and the output window 
does not pop up.
If I run a ps ax command I can see a process running for a command.  
When I kill that process I can run the command that I had wanted to and 
a window pops up
with the following message:

invalid command ".d_what_rastbutton7"
while executing
$path configure -text Run -fg blue -activefourground blue

(procedure reader line 11)
invoked from within

"reader file5 .d_what_rastbutton7  (d.what.rast map=only)  -1"

What is wrong?

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