[GRASSLIST:1935] OpenDWG lib

Maliheh malihehs at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 2 08:38:35 EST 2003

> v.in.dwg reads both DWG and DXF, you have to compile
> it using OpenDWG libraries,
> configure options:
>   --with-opendwg support openDWG functionality
> (default: no)
>   --with-opendwg-includes=DIRS
>   --with-opendwg-libs=DIRS
> Radim

I'v downloaded opendwg lib, but I don't know what
should I do at first?
if I should compile my grass from the first or just
make in v.in.dwg module?

When I follow the instruction of v.in.dwg readme, I
get this error message:

undefined reference to ...

for many things in main.c and entity.c, and make
couldn't be completed.

Would you please help me?


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