[GRASSLIST:1936] v.net.pass (in GRASS5.7)

Hayashi Shin-ichiro forest at bres.tsukuba.ac.jp
Tue Dec 2 08:39:33 EST 2003

Dear GRASS Users:

I want to make shortest path vector data from some vector data.
Becouse I want to use v.net.path command,
I installed GRASS5.7 from pre-compiled binary. (from http://wgrass.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/grassh/grass51/binary/linux/ )

I executed
$ v.net.path
GRASS said error messege as follows.
v.net.path: error while loading shared libraries: libgrass_gis.so: cannot open s
hared object file: No such file or directory

I saw /usr/local/grass57/lib.
There is libgrass_gis.so.

My question is 
1. What error messege does mean?
2. What way is there to work v.net.path command?
3. What concern does have with DGLib? 

Please give me your suggestion.
Thank you in advance.
Sincerely yours.

Hayashi Shin-ichiro  
mail:forest at bres.tsukuba.ac.jp URL:http://ryuiki.agbi.tsukuba.ac.jp/~forest
Watershed Management Lab., University of TSUKUBA

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