[GRASSLIST:1951] topograpic analysis using GRASS and R

Carlos Henrique Grohmann guano at usp.br
Wed Dec 3 14:39:13 EST 2003

Hello list, 

I'm trying to see the realtion beetwen aspect and slope for a given area using
R. I have in mind a graph with different scales on the axis. For instance, I
could have the scales for aspect in the bottom (0-360 deg) and left (density)
axis , and for slope in the top (0-65 deg) and right (density) axis. But I
don't know how to do this. already searched the web, but without luck. 
Does anyone already made something like this? 

thanks for help

        Carlos Henrique Grohmann - Guano  
    Geologist - MSc Student at IGc-USP - Brazil
       Linux User #89721  ICQ: 214752832

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