[GRASSLIST:2003] overlay problems in 5.7
Christopher Fonnesbeck
chris at fonnesbeck.org
Tue Dec 9 15:09:21 EST 2003
I am trying to clip a vector map to a region using v.overlay, but am
running into a problem. I have created the region using v.in.region,
and run this in v.overlay with the vector file I am clipping (see
attached screen grab). The function seems to run fine, and creates a
vector file, but when I try to draw this new vector map, it comes up
blank with no error messages. What am I doing wrong? I did the
g.region vect=ugr_streams
v.in.region type=line output=ugr_region <-- I have tried this
with type=area as well
v.overlay ainput=roads binput=ugr_region output=roads_ugr operator=and
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Christopher J. Fonnesbeck ( c h r i s @ f o n n e s b e c k . o r g )
Georgia Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, University of Georgia
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