[GRASSLIST:2076] v.reclass.pg bug in 5.0.2

Christopher Fonnesbeck chris at fonnesbeck.org
Wed Dec 17 11:12:58 EST 2003

I am trying to reclassify a vector stream coverage from values in a 
relational database (either pgsql or mysql). I tried using 5.7, but 
this did not work. I am now dropping back to 5.0.2 using v.reclass.pg, 
but am getting very odd behaviour. I want to reclassify a stream 
coverage (streams) as the stream order for each stream (stream_ord) 
found in a postgresql database table (stream_d). The key in the table 
corresponds to the current vector attributes of the coverage. Thus:

GRASS:~ > v.reclass.pg streams key=segment_ta col=stream_ord 
tab=stream_d output=stream_order type=line

However, when this is run, I get:

ERROR: 1706010416A0001000.00=5
        - invalid reclass rule

This doesnt make sense. It looks like it is trying to match the key 
with the stream order, but this is the syntax that the documentation 
gives. Any help most appreciated.
Christopher J. Fonnesbeck ( c h r i s @ f o n n e s b e c k . o r g )
Georgia Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, University of Georgia

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