[GRASSLIST:2090] grass57 --with-gdal
hamdi ines
hamdi_ines2003 at yahoo.fr
Thu Dec 18 05:56:53 EST 2003
I m installed the binary version of grass57 and
gdal-cvs-031216, xerces-1.6.0 but when i return to
grass to execute the command v.in.ogr to import a gml
file it displayes me:
>v.in.ogr: relocation error: v.in.ogr: undefined
symbol: OGRGetDriverCount.
i think that i must recompile grass --with-gdal from
this i m 2 questions:
-it s possible to include gdal in grass with only the
binary version and why
-there's other solutions to execute v.in.ogr,
v.out.ogr in grass57?
thanks advanced.
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