[GRASSLIST:2111] how configure xerces to read gml file
hamdi ines
hamdi_ines2003 at yahoo.fr
Thu Dec 25 06:28:00 EST 2003
hello ,
i have a questions but before i descripe my platform
and installed soft:
platform: redhat 8
the soft installed:
-the binary version of grass57-10-10
-xerces-c_1.1.6(from the source)
my question is:
i have a gml file named ionic_wfs.gml placed
in/home/gml_samples, i want to read and manupulate it
with the grass57 command: ogr2ogr, v.in.ogr and
v.out.ogr, ogrinfo.. but i have many problem:
with ogrinfo :
GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~ > ogrinfo
ERROR 1: Unable to create Xerces C++ based GML reader,
Xerces support
not configured into GDAL/OGR.
ERROR 1: File /home/gml_samples/ionic_wfs.gml appears
to be GML but the GML reader can't
be instantiated, likely because Xerces support wasn't
configured in.
Unable to open datasource
`/home/gml_samples/ionic_wfs.gml' with the following
-> ESRI Shapefile
-> UK .NTF
-> S57
-> MapInfo File
-> DGN
-> VRT
-> AVCBin
-> REC
-> Memory
-> GML
with v.in.ogr:
GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~ > v.in.ogr dsn=/home/gml_samples/
ERROR: Cannot open data source
with v.out.ogr:
GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~ > v.out.ogr -c input=ionic_wfs.gml
dsn=/home/gml_samples/ layer=gmlfile
ERROR: Could not find input map <ionic_wfs.gml>
with ogr2ogr:
GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~ > ogr2ogr -f shp /home/gml_samples/
ERROR 1: Unable to create Xerces C++ based GML reader,
Xerces support
not configured into GDAL/OGR.
ERROR 1: File /home/gml_samples/ionic_wfs.gml appears
to be GML but the GML reader can't
be instantiated, likely because Xerces support wasn't
configured in.
Unable to open datasource
`/home/gml_samples/ionic_wfs.gml' with the following
-> ESRI Shapefile
-> UK .NTF
-> S57
-> MapInfo File
-> DGN
-> VRT
-> AVCBin
-> REC
-> Memory
-> GML
from this i tried to configure xerces in gdal/ogr but
the result is:
conftest.cpp:5:parse error before '::' token
configure: error : please correct xerces options,
don't enables xerces.
i m dont understand the problem , please if you have
other method to configure xerces send it me because i
need it.
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